Wednesday, March 13, 2013

what shakes our world? Is giant kid playing soccer with it?


           We live on Earth and we survive many disasters. Each year there is many disasters happen because of plate tectonics. If tectonic plates didn't existed our Earth wont be like today. Scientists explored all the different stuffs caused by plate tectonics.
           There will be just flat land with water if plate tectonics didn't existed.Plate tectonics move to each other which is called convergent plate boundary movement. Convergent plate boundary moves and makes mountains. One of the famous mountain is Himalayas Mountain in Indian plate. So there wont be much mountains if plate tectonics didn't existed.
           Earth has unlimited amount of disasters in it because of tectonic plates. Earth will always have disasters till tectonic plates disappears, probably they'll never disappear. Earth is made out of 4 parts there is crust were we live and under it mantle hot melted rock in it. that hot melted rock inside of mantle always moves like recycling process so there always will be tectonic plate movements till mantle stop moving. So Earth will always have disasters most of the times.
           Earth will newer be like today if tectonic plates weren't here. Plate tectonics move every time very little and there is many different parts of plates so they move different directions and have different results. When plates move convergent there will be an big earthquake and take down building and mess up land. if there were not tectonic plates there wont be any earthquakes so Japan could stop producing too much high quality tables. 
          We live on Earth and deal with many disasters almost every month. But we didn't had to deal with disasters if there weren't any tectonic plates. world will be way different if there weren't tectonic plates. 

1. The thing i most enjoyed was making video because it was easy.
2. Most challenging thing was to sing on the song because i can't sing at all.
3. I dont think i learned new skills from this project.
4. Sing my second part of my song on the time when i am awake because i recorded second part of my song when i woke up that voice was sleepy voice.
5. I'll resing 2nd part of my song again, same reason as ^ above.

Friday, October 26, 2012


Crystals lab
In september we did lab about crystals. We grow crystal by using hot water, minerals, some science cups. We mixed and mixed water with minerals (adding 2 spoon minerals) till it cant take any more minerals in it. also we add food paint in it. Then after that we put our water mineral on window with open window to cool it down. After many days it grow a lot and turned to crystal.... JUst like this..

Metallic looks like metal

Non-metallic- Does not look like metall



Hardness- hard or soft(0-10)

Cleavage-breaks evenly

Fracture breaks unevenly

Composition-chemical that mineral is made off

Other properties- shape magnetic grassy

Mineral Identification
Mineral- 1

Luster- metallic
Color- metallic silver
Streak- Black
Hardness- 2.5

Mineral- 2

Luster- non metallic
Color- dark green
Streak - red classy
Hardness- 6.5- 7.5


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Rock types

Rock cycle is cycle of rocks... so in 2 easy words its mean rock cycle. There is three different kind of rocks (IGNEUS, METAMORPHIC, SEDIMENTARY). So first of all there is thing called magma that is melted rock. Then magma comes out from volcano and its called lava( NOT MAGMA). Then that melted rock cools down and turns to IGNEOUS ROCK, but there is two type of them "INTRUSIVE( came from inside of volcano) and EXTRUSIVE (came from outside of volcano)" IGNEOUS rock turns to Sediments by weathering and erosion ( EX: rain wind). There is 3Sediments are sand in other words. Sediments turn to Sedimentary rock by compaction and cementation( it means that god takes a paper glue and stick sand). There is 3 types of Sedimentary rocks Clastic( rock with some class in it ), Crystalline( Rock like crystal looks like sugar), Bioclastic( rock with lots of dead staff). somehow Sedimentary rock heats and pressures so turns to Metamorphic Rock. Metamorphic rocks are two different types Foliated(with layers) and Non-Foliated( with no layers). Then metamorphic rock moves far under ground and melt so turns to Magma again............................................. So that is an rock cycle-cycle of rocks

Igneous rock 

SEdimentary rock

Metamorphic rock
Congratulations Fellas now u know something about Rocks

rock cycle video

Rock Cycle - Class L #4 from Kara MacDevitt on Vimeo.